Monday, February 10, 2020


With doing my own research on film marketing I discovered that the main source of marketing now is through the use of social media, this is highly effective as it reaches a large target audience as the younger and older generation use social media and online resources now. Because of my research my group and I decided that the best way to market our film and spread awareness on it would be through social media as it would be easily accessible and seen by a large target audience. 

We created a Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for our film Infamous. Making it look as authentic as possible posting our film posters and teasers of behind the scenes, helping the audience connect with the film before the release so they have an idea of what to expect. Social media is a perfect way to advertise our film as it is a cheap, inexpensive way of marketing our film. 

We are all very familiar with instagram as a social media platform we chose this as our first source of marketing for social media. Most instagram users average on the age of 16-32 which is our target audience. We put a brief summary in the biography of the instagram page, so viewers would instantly have an idea of what our movie was about and see if it would fit their genre of film, in the hope we would draw in an audience. Once we attracted an audience we were able to maintain our followers, keeping them informed with our film and showing them the behind the scenes of the making of the film and pictures of our characters so they can connect with our characters.

click HERE for instagram feed. 

We created our own Twitter page for Infamous, posting relative material about our film and to reach our target audience interests. Similar to our instagram feed we posted similar content in the hope we would reach a different audience, getting our film out there to all social media platforms, trying to spread awareness everywhere we can. We also involved other film trailers that are relevant to our genre of film and re-tweets from well known films directors and films, helping to draw in film lovers like ourselves. 

For our facebook we wanted to create simplistic page that consisted of a biography to excite viewers who visit our page and they have an idea of what to expect. This included of information for the audience so they can understand our film. Our film poster has also been posted on our facebook page so we could captivate the audience and they would want to follow the film. 

1 comment:

  1. Impressive, sophisticated and creative use of social media (Instagram Facebook, Twitter) to promote film plus ingeniously integrated celebrity magazine as part of the plot. Finished to a high standard with convincing visual codes.



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