Tuesday, February 11, 2020



Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy!

My production team included: Leila Saville 1767, Evie Hand 1727, and Jess Power 1716.

Our brief was to create an opening of a film. We decided to go down the route of a modern day film based around the life of a celebrity who is struggling in the spotlight and the everyday struggles that being in the spotlight brings. We wanted to create a suspenseful movie that would attract a wide target audience. 

Our film will be down below along with the planning and construction of the film.


When editing our opening for the film as a group we decided that Evie and I would take on the main rolls as editors. I decided to take on the roll for editing mostly the paparazzi scene , layering up different sounds, using lots of different clips and making sure the film ran smoothly. For all the editing I used final cut pro. I also used final cut pro when editing the green screen scene. Leila and Evie filmed this part and I edited it on final cut pro.


For directing I took on the role of directing the scene of the paparazzi scene. This scene took a lot of directing as there was multiple different camera shots that we had to produce. I wanted to take on the role as director as I have such a love for film and wanted to be involved in the direction of where it was to go and where everything was placed. I loved producing the paparazzi scene as it took so long to do but when edited it was fast pace and really came together.

Camera Work

Apart from the green screen scene the majority of the time in the production I was behind the camera. However Evie took on the main role as camera man, I filmed parts of the paparazzi scene and the main scene that I helped film was the bedtime story scene. I created a smooth scene with a smooth hand held camera. I wanted to use a darker lighting with some lights dimmed to create the atmosphere of calmness and tiredness. 


  1. Sophisticated use of film language that makes a convincing film opening. Thriller and film drama codes and conventions confidently exemplified, leaving audience with a 'hook'. Sophisticated technical elements (green screen editing, sound layering, creation of props like the gossip magazine); inventive sets; excellent casting; creative approach to lighting, camerawork, sound.

  2. Detailed research and planning throughout: 24 research & planning posts & preliminary exercises; thorough understanding of key concepts; creative, varied & detailed relevant planning; sophisticated implementation of research.



MORVEN MCINTYRE CANDIDATE NUMBER 1744 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy! My production ...