How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

Analysis of our film opening: Analysing our film opening allowed us to analyse the different shot types, camera angles, and overall composition as well as sound and other forms of media language. This helps us understand the social classes and issues we wanted to present and why we filmed the way we did.


By creating Pinterest boards, this allowed us to create a visual creative representation of how we would dress our characters to further represent their social class, through the use of mine-en-scene, with clothing, props and location.

Our mood boards show clothing, magazines and the social group of paparazzi which comes under the life of fame. Our props include big cameras, phones which will flash to make the feeling of being bombarded by paparazzi more authentic

Overall, we wanted to portray the extreme struggle of living life in the limelight, showing it is not as glamorous as it is made out to be. We do this with the use of mine-en-scene, sound and camera angles

1 comment:

  1. Video analysis of codes & conventions of film opening plus 4 Pinterest boards. Excellent account of genre conventions and sound grasp of how meanings are created.



MORVEN MCINTYRE CANDIDATE NUMBER 1744 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy! My production ...