Thursday, November 21, 2019


For my audience questionnaire I used google forms to research what my audiences preferences in films are this is useful because it helps me see a variety of different genders and ages and what they would watch. I intend to publish it on social media sharing it with a wider audience. I asked many different types of questions including, the age , the gender and where my audience would prefer to find my trailer. I wanted to research my target audience and if they would enjoy or be intrigued by the type of film myself and my production team are creating. 

These are the questions I intend to ask:

What is your age?

- 20 and under 
- 21 and over


- Male
- Female
- Prefer not to say

What is your favourite film genre (pick as many as you wish)

- comedy 
- horror
- thriller 
- action
- drama 
- romcom 
- historical 
- literary adaptation 
- sci-fi
- documentary 

3 recent films you've watched - 

Where do you watch films? 

- cinema 
- BBC iplayer
- Amazon Prime
- Netflix 
- Other streaming services

Do you watch trailers before watching a movie? 

Have you seen any of these trailers? (using links) 

What platform do you use to find out about films? 

- cinema 
- television 
- websites 
- social media 

Are you influenced by:

- reviews 
- recommendations 
- social media 
- talk shows 

Friday, November 15, 2019


To plan how to reach my specific target audience I needed to know who they were and what their interests are. I researched the age, gender, ethnicity and social class of my target audience. I also found out what their media needs and wants are so that I can create a film that will satisfy them. Ultimately in order to market my movie I had to find out the best way to reach my target audience. To show how my research has helped with my planning I have answered the questions below with pictures to support. 

1. Who is my primary target audience?

Mixed audience aged 15-34 who enjoy a drama and suspense film. 

After doing some research we discovered that our audience would watch films such as the above , all these films relate to ours as they are comedies, romcoms, suspense and drama. Some of which involve a story line based on famous people struggling in the spotlight. 

2. What kind of films and television are they likely to prefer?

Research shows that our audience will be most interested in watching a film such as a Simple Favor as it has comedy and is suspenseful that is a drama/thriller. It is about Stephanie who is a single mother and Sean, Emily's husband, who are set out to discover the mystery behind Emily's disappearance, however they come across many secrets that theyweren’t expecting. 

3. What platforms do they choose to watch films and where are they likely to see information about films?

Our audience will choose to watch their films in cinemas such as the everyman so they can capture the full experience with the sound extra loud. Although they may also like to have the option of having it online after the release of the movie on places such as Netflix or Sky.

Our audience are likely to see information about films through movie posters in shopping malls, trailers and social media.

4. What brands do they prefer?

5. What makes my film stand out from the competition?

We are focusing on how famous people suffer in the spotlight and how being famous isn't as glamorous as we all dream it to be. 

. Why should my audience watch my film? 

My audience should watch my film because even though there are films that also look at the lives of famous people such as musicians, mine differentiates as it looks at the personal lives of a celebrity and how they are effected and how it effects their family. It gives an in look on the lives we are hidden from and doesn't glamorise being famous. Its a personal, emotional, suspenseful film that is a must see!

Sunday, November 3, 2019



A story based on a prominent figure in the public eye who has found herself caught in a scandal. One that she can't get away from. What will she do to get away from it? How will she protect her family? 

What our production is about - 

As a group we have decided to create an opening of a film based on the life of a celebrity. This film opening will help show the real world and reality of how celebrities are really affected by the spotlight. It is going against all the films that glamorize the career of being in the spotlight. Our film will open with the character of Blake spending some bonding time with her daughter In the safe and secure place of her home, in this scene we don’t see a famous idol we see an everyday working mother who loves and cares about her daughter, this shows a softer side of her and instantly makes the audience connect with her and see her as a caring individual who has a home to provide for. The scene will be set in a child’s bedroom to make it feel as authentic as possible. As the scene moves on we see her discover that a long time secret that she had put behind her has been placed in the spotlight and her secret is out, it is everywhere she goes, causing her to struggle to cope as the panic starts to kick in. 

One scene that is very important for our opening is the paparazzi scene. This scene will be extremely difficult to film as we will need lots of different technology and lots of people to help achieve the perfect scene. This scene is to set the scene and show how drastic being famous is, it is a stereotypical expectation of what celebrities see as soon as they leave the house or when they are working on the red carpet. In this scene we will include lots of different camera angles and editing techniques to heighten the anxiety she is feeling and to increase the speed as her thoughts going through her head are going just as fast. 

The opening will end with the final question – where is she going? As we see the young mother in panic mode after facing her first day outside the house since the news hit. This scene will include clips of her throwing clothes around and rapidly packing bags and grabbing passports leaving the audience unaware of what she is panicking for. The audience will see her change her identity, changing what she usually wears, changing her car, trying to hide and protect herself. It will end with her getting into a car that she would never usually drive and taking her daughter with her with no explanation.


MAIN CHARACTER - our main character will be played by Leila Saville, this is the famous person, Blake, the whole of the film is focused around her and her life, showing the audience aspects of her work life and her personal life.

BODY GUARD - Her bodyguard is not a major role but is someone who will be seen throughout as he shows the importance of her, that she has to be protected especially at a time like this. 

HER DAUGHTER - her daughter is a prominent figure throughout as she brings out the kind personal side of her mother which shows the reality of having this career. She will be in it throughout and will create emotion for the audience. 

Friday, November 1, 2019



We started the planning of our production by making a mind map and brainstorming different ideas , including people, location, genre, props and plot. Putting together different ideas of what we could do and connecting them. 

from making our mind map we concluded lots of ideas of what we want our film to include, and the props needed. We decided against doing a romance film and concluded we wanted to a drama mystery based on a famous individual who is going through a difficult time being stuck in a scandal. We talked about the different props we will need along with casting as well to focus on mise-en-scene. These are just rough ideas of the things we will need and what out plot will be. 


MORVEN MCINTYRE CANDIDATE NUMBER 1744 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy! My production ...