Saturday, October 19, 2019


In yesterdays lesson I learnt how to use equipment , such as the Canon cameras and tripods. 

Cameras and Tripods -

In my group of 4 we passed the camera around and individually practiced how to use and look after the camera, with things such as inserting the memory card and removing it from the camera as well as the battery, we also learned how to charge the batteries and where to keep them. When passing the camera to and from each other we must say 'yours' and 'mine' to make sure we do not drop the cameras. We also learned how to set up a tripod and put the camera in it, we looked at the functions of the camera and how to focus it using either automatic focus or manual focus. 

White Balance - 

The term White Balance means the process of getting rid of unrealistic colours so that if an object is white in person is made white in the photo as well. On a camera, white balance has to consider the colour temperate of the light which is the different warmth or coolness of white light. To adjust this there is an option to select 'WB' on the camera, which will give you options of different colour tones that are used in different lights, creating a more realistic effect. 

The 180 degree rule - 

The 180 degree rule is the rule that 2 characters in one scene must always have the same left and right relationship to each other, if this is not followed and is broken it will disrupt the scene and disorientate the audience. There is an imaginary axis that connects the 2 subjects , it is called crossing the line and the shot will become what it is referred to as a reverse angle. 

On Set - 

We also learnt about the different terminology in the film industry, when filming the director shouts, 'Standby' , before filming a scene this is to ensure that everyone is ready, when everyone is ready they must respond by saying 'Standing by'. The Director also shouts 'rolling' when this is shouted this means that everyone on set must be quiet, the director then shouts 'action' to informs the actors to start. After shooting the director will say 'cut' to tell everyone they are done, the director will thens ay 'strike the kit' , this is to let the film crew know they should pack away now, put batteries on charge and make sure the footage is uploaded and backed up. 

Practice in Editing -

We are using iMovie and Final Cut Pro on the iMacs in the media studio. When we upload our footage onto these we will create a folder for out group to hold the shots in. These folders are referred to as bins and the unedited footage is called the rushes

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MORVEN MCINTYRE CANDIDATE NUMBER 1744 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy! My production ...