Monday, January 27, 2020


We created Pinterest boards for our prop lists so we had a visual image of what we wanted our characters to look like and what we wanted them to wear. It made it clearer and easier to symbolise what our characters were like and what their personalities are like. Looking at wealthy products and real life celebrities and how they dress in their everyday life. This made it easier for us to create our characters successfully and create realistic scenes throughout.

Friday, January 24, 2020


When editing our film we have been editing it on FinalCut Pro. We have been working to try make the film opening smooth and make sure that the timings are good for each piece of footage. When editing we are looking at lots of different things such as sound and effects that we can add to our sounds to add emotion and help the audience connect with the character. We are also focusing on making sure that none of our clips are too long but also make sense where we have cut them. We have worked carefully to make sure we have cut each clip well and that they connect well and make sense. 


Wednesday, January 22, 2020


As a group we decided we wanted to present our hot seat in an intimate personal way, as if it was a late night talk show host talking to our character, we decided to do this as in our film our main character Blake Taylor is presented as a celebrity in the lime light. By doing it in an interview style it further portrays her character. We worked together to ask questions that we believed were relevant to our film and what the public may want to know.

We used different shot types like shot reverse shot and establishing shots to present our talk show host.

We used iMovie to edit together all the clips and to make run smoothly. We had to reduce the background noise as there was some talking in the background.


We created a call sheet so that our cast members would know where to be and at what time to help plan the production of our film carefully. The call sheet consisted of locations, timings, props needed and costumes needed.



The risk assessment goes through hazards and dangers we may face when filming and how we will avoid them and precautions we will take. In our film we will not actually be using alcohol as seen in the film however will use a dark drink such as Ribena to replicate it.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


In the opening of our film we wanted to incorporate our media skills by using a green screen and editing in a background. We decided we wanted to do a news report scene on our character Blake to set the scene of our movie and start the storyline.

We filmed against our green screen in the media studio, and then edited the piece of film on final cut pro and added in a background using the keying effect.

Friday, January 10, 2020


This powerpoint shows who we casted for the opening of our film as well as why we've casted them and what inspired us.
To view this slide, click here.


Our location for our film include parts of the inside of a home. Rooms such as a Childs bedroom and a sitting room. We will also need the inside of a car as our character drives away. Our location of the home is perfect as it is homely and modern, perfect for our character who is living in the spotlight and undoubtedly has lots of money.


MORVEN MCINTYRE CANDIDATE NUMBER 1744 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy! My production ...